Morning Routine: creating a Sadhana
I like reading about other people’s morning routines. It’s strange really. It’s a super intimate thing, I guess, and so it feels sneaky but also inspiring.
Sadhana is a Sanskrit word for daily practice, but it’s not just any daily practice. It’s an “ego-transcending” daily practice. It’s sacred. And when I think of something as sacred, it feels more compelling, rather than thinking of it as Just More Shit I Have To Do.
What makes it a Sadhana? If it is something is done with awareness, discipline, and the intention of spiritual or emotional growth, it counts. So, I’ve turned my morning routine into a sadhana. I try to do it mindfully, focusing on present moment awareness, with minimal time staring at my phone.
(Does my morning always look like this? Hell no. But this is what I aim for, and this is what happens more often than it doesn’t. It’s the 80/20 thing.)
Let me preface this all by saying that I am, actually, a morning person.
I’m sorry I know that is annoying.
It's not a voluntary thing. I just have not been able to sleep past 6:30 AM for the past decade or so. But I feel like I am so much more effective in my day when I start off really intentionally.
So here is my deal:
I normally get up around 6 AM. Here’s what happens after that:
Now let me state the painfully obvious here. This is not a routine that I am suggesting for everyone. I am privileged to have few restraints on my time in the morning. I don’t have kids to get ready, Olive will happily sleep until 8:30 AM if I let her. So I am in no way saying that my way is right or even good. It’s just mine. It works for me.
My point in sharing this is that you can decide to make even the most mundane things - like walking the neighborhood or eating oatmeal cups, into a sacred and precious time. There is nothing exotic here. But every morning, when I elevate this into a practice, it feels important. And I love that.
Good morning to you all!