I’m warm not cool: a middle-aged woman learns about makeup
It’s anxiety. It’s insecurity. It’s fear. It’s not wanting to be seen as someone who wants too much attention.
But playing small gets suffocating sometimes.
Why yoga isn’t relaxing
Yoga is about being in the discomfort of doing strange things with your body and learning to ride the wave of emotion that comes up. That’s not relaxing.
Grief, loss, and moving forward without moving on
Grief is a strange thing. There are moments (this is one of them) when the loss of her feels as fresh as it did 25 years ago.
Mind-body connection: why it works to heal trauma
Because it’s not just our minds that experience trauma - our bodies were there for it, too. So, the body needs to be engaged in the healing process.
And You: a love letter to yoga
Yoga isn’t about touching your toes. It’s about what you learn on the way down.
Morning Routine: creating a Sadhana
Good morning. Let’s find the sacred in the every day practice.
War & Peace: creating peace in a time of war
We can work to create more peace in the world, in tiny ways. And when everything feels overwhelming and the challenges feel insurmountable, the small wins become major triumphs.
Smells Like Teen Spirit
My 90s con recap. Unexpected friendships. Being an introvert. And, the enduring cuteness of Scott Wolf.
What Introverts Want You to Know
I’m 97% introverted, according to a totally unscientific online quiz. It’s a tendency that many people don’t understand. So let’s discuss some important things to know about introverts:
Multiple Things Can Matter
There is a lot going on in the world, but you’re allowed to worry about your relationships, too. Here’s some helpful relationship advice you might not expect.
The big reason the present moment matters
Why be here in this moment? Sometimes this moment totally blows. Why would I want to “be there” for that kind of garbage?
Vulnerability = Courage
What we can’t articulate controls us.
When we put words to our shame, they lose their power.
When things fall apart: Creating a Wellness Recovery Action Plan
When we are having a hard time, it’s nearly impossible to remember what could help us to feel any better.
So let’s make a plan.
Accept the help. It’s not about you.
When we constantly reject offers of help, we are unconsciously attaching a stigma to receiving help.
On Changing Your Mind
I thought attending an autograph convention sounded terrible. I was so, so wrong.
Learning about anxiety from Biosphere 2
Trees grew much faster in there than they did in the wild, but they would not fully mature. They would collapse on themselves before they could reach their full height. It was confusing.
Why I wear a Mala bracelet: for focus and connection
Whenever I see it on my wrist, whenever I hear the soft click of the beads when they brush against one another, I am reminded to take a breath. I’m reminded that I want to live the principles of mindfulness in my entire life.
How to Manage Seasonal Affective Disorder: truly SAD
There is no quick fix for any type of depression. But we can examine and adjust our relationship with the depression.
Identifying the voice: Anxiety or intuition?
People get mad at me for this. But maybe your intuition is not as important as you’ve been led to believe.
What to do when you can’t sleep
We worry. We scroll. We obsess.
What we don’t do is sleep.