Writing Prompts for Perfectionism

a lamp post fallen over on its side

Writing things down is an effective way to process emotions and understand where you might be getting stuck. I don’t care if you are a terrible writer, if your handwriting is illegible and your grammar is questionable. If you find yourself writing below your standards, lower your standards. No one else ever needs to read what you write. Set a timer for five, ten, twenty minutes — whatever feels reasonable, and free write with zero judgment.

Writing prompt:

  • Are there areas in which you demand perfection from yourself? Are there areas in which you demand perfection from others? Do those line-up? Are you using different standards for yourself? Why?

  • Was perfectionism encouraged in your family as you were growing up? Write about your first feelings of needing to be perfect.

  • Perfectionism is a bully. Write about the ways that perfectionstic voice in your head stops you from taking chances, being creative, and having fun.

  • If you were not afraid to fail — what would you do/try?

This writing prompt originally appeared with the article entitled Overcoming Perfectionism.


Writing Prompts for Resilience


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